It is widely believed that certain sound frequencies can trigger and revitalise the body's own repair mechanism. With this in mind:

I use the frequencies of tuning forks, singing bowls, music instruments, my own music compositions, as well as my singing voice, to assist people who might be experiencing a weakened, energy flow

  • I also offer the following services: Hand and Eye Co-ordination Therapy:

 Available to people who have problems in this area. We use music instruments.

  • Vocal Cords Strengthening Therapy:

Available to people who need assistance in this area: We use vocal exercises, we use the sounding and singing of vowels as well as breathing exercises and other relaxation techniques.

  • Music and Singing Therapy: 

I provide classes to encourage self - confidence, to encourage movement, to encourage correct breathing, and to aid with relaxation.

  • Art Therapy: 

To encourage and support creativity, encourage relaxation and to instil a sense of well-being and accomplishment. 

  • Relaxation & Stress Relief Therapy

Music compositions designed by me with the participation and input from the client, to aid the client to relax, to meditate and to sleep.

Singing Bowl with Weighted Tuning Forks and Solfeggio Tuning Forks

Harmonic Tuning Forks

Solfeggio Tuning Forks


The Root Chakra (Muladhara)

The Root Charka is the first of the seven charkas. This chakra is located at the base of the spine, and it is associated with the colour red and is all about feeling grounded and secure.

If it’s out of balance, you might feel anxious, insecure, or stuck.

And when your root charka is balanced, you will feel safe stable confident and grounded - and more able to handle life's challenges.

To balance the root charka, spend time in nature

  • Practice grounding exercises like walking barefoo
  • Wear and use red - coloured items and eat foods like:
  • Beets red apples tomatoes strawberries rasberries pomegranates red peppers radishes and protein - rich foods, like beans nuts and meat.
  • Meditate and focus on the base of your spine.

The Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

The Sacral Chakra also known as the second chakra - is a special energy spot  - located just below the belly button. It is associated with the colour Orange. 

Practitioners refer to the sacral chakra as the dwelling place of Self.

One of my compositions is tuned to this charka’s own sound frequency of  136.1 Hz.

This chakra is important because it affects our feelings and our creativity. 

It affects how we enjoy things, and it affects our relationships. Indeed, when this chakra is working well, we will feel happy, excited, and full of energy. 

May I suggest you find a quiet peaceful spot and allow the music to flow over you. It is designed to make you feel good inside and out. 

Eating orange-coloured foods like: oranges carrots sweet potatoes mangoes pumpkins peaches apricots and butternut squash will help to balance this chakra and thus promote emotional well - being and creativity. 

The Solar Plexus Charka (Manipura)

The Solar plexus Charka is the third chakra. It’s located in your upper abdomen, just above your belly button, and is associated with the colour yellow.

This chakra is all about personal power  and self - esteem. When this chakra is balanced, you feel strong, confident, and in control of your life. You make decisions easily and you feel motivated.

If this chakra is out of balance you might experience low self - esteem, have difficulty making decisions. You might even have digestive issues.

To balance this chakra :

Spend time in the sun - the wonderful early morning sun – a word of caution though, when you are in the sun always practice common sense as over exposure is not wise.

  • Do exercises that focus on your core or practice Yoga
  • Meditate and visualise a bright yellow light in your abdomen.
  • Eat yellow foods like bananas, corn or other yellow fruits and vegetables

The Heart Charka (Anahata)

The Heart Chakra is the fourth chakra. It’s all about love, compassion, and connection

When this chakra is out of balance, you might feel lonely, hurt, or unable to forgive. You might also have issues with your heart or lungs.

To balance this chakra:

  • Spend time in nature, especially around greenery
  • Wear green clothing and use green items.
  • Practice kindness and gratitude
  • Meditate and imagine a green light in your chest
  • Eat green foods like spinach, broccoli, or other such food

The Throat Chakra (VIshuddha)

The Throat Chakra is the fifth chakra. It’s located in your throat and is associated with the colour blue.

This chakra is about communication and self-expression. 

When this chakra is balanced you will have the self-confidence to speak up and to express your thoughts and your needs.

If this chakra is out of balance you might experience trouble speaking up, you might even suffer from sore throats.

To balance this chakra, you can:

  • Sing, chant, or hum
  • Practice speaking your thoughts and feelings
  • Meditate and visualise a blue light in your throat.
  • Wear blue clothes or blue items 

The following foods have properties that soothe and support the throat: Blueberries blackberries plums blue grapes raw honey lemons apples, and herbal teas like chamomile or peppermint. Blue corn is an excellent food as well.

The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

The Third Eye Chakra is the sixth chakra. 

It’s located in the middle of your forehead between your eyebrows, and it is associated with the colour Indigo.

This chakra is about intuition insight and imagination. 

When this chakra is balanced, you can see and think clearly, And you will be more willing to trust your intuition and inner wisdom.

On the other hand if this chakra is out of balance, you might experience headaches, have trouble concentrating and so on.

To balance this chakra:

  • Spend time in quite reflection
  • Meditate and focus on your forehead 
  • Practice mindfulness and pay attention to your thoughts.
  • Use indigo - coloured clothing and items. 

Eat indigo - coloured foods like:

Blue and blackberries purple grapes purple cabbage purple - skin potatoes sweet potatoes prunes figs and eggplant. These foods will help balance the third eye chakra. 

The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

The Crown Charka is the seventh chakra. It’s located at the top of your head, and it is associated with the colour violet or white.  

This chakra is about spiritual connection and enlightenment. 

When this chakra is balanced, you feel a deep sense of peace, connection to the universe, and a strong sense of purpose.

If this chakra is out of balance, you might feel disconnected, lonely or have a lack of direction.

To balance this chakra:

  • Spend time in quiet contemplation
  • Meditate and focus on the top of your head
  • Practice gratitude and mindfulness
  • Use violet or white clothing and items

Eat purple and white food like cauliflower and eggplant - food that contain these colours - inside and outside.

Doing all of these things will help you to feel more connected to the universe and to your higher self.

The Seven Chakras